CJRyan Consults

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CJRyan Consults - HR Management
Grief Recovery Specialist
HR Management Consulting

CJRyan Consults begins with a review of your organization's human resources functions and follows up with recommended steps for organizational improvement.

CJRyan Consults provides professional coaching and human resources consulting to you and your organization with the following areas of expertise:

        Strategic Planning
        Talent Acquisition
        Change Management
        Workforce Planning
        Employee Relations
        Personal and Professional Coaching
        Employee Assistance Programming
        Leadership Development
        Training & Performance Management

Human Resources Management

CJRyan Consults
5581 Lochcrest Circle
Canandaigua, NY 14424

(973) 610-7000

The Grief Recovery Method

The Grief Recovery Institute was founded in the 1980’s and though very therapeutic, it is not counseling, but rather a structured learning experience.  As a Grief Recovery Method Specialist, Candace  provides individual and group sessions, for adults who have experienced any number of losses; from death, divorce, loss of job, loss of health. It is estimated that there are well over 40 loss experiences that any of us may face in our lifetimes.  Participants will learn skills and techniques to work their way through the “incompleteness” of the loss.

For more information about The Grief Recovery Institute you may visit www.griefrecoveryinstittute.com  

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